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Target groups

Do kogo skierowana jest kampania edukacyjno-informacyjna "Ogień w lesie a przyroda..."

The educational-informative campaign is aimed at the following target groups:


1. Pupils aged 12-15 in rural-urban areas.  Earlier experiences show that children stimulate their parents and older inhabitants of villages most effectively to act in favour of the natural environment. They are vigorous and learn fast if properly motivated. Children can easily adopt their newly gained knowledge in everyday life, often as future landowners or forest visitors.


2. Farmers of regions participating in the campaign. These are usually owners of rather small farms adjacent to forest areas. The method of farming affects the condition of the forest edges. Farmers often cause forest fires through the burning of grasses. Media campaigns (TV, radio, press), as well as local informative campaigns will ensure reaching this group.


3. Women living in the regions covered by the campaign have a great impact on farming methods. They are also mostly responsible for raising/upbringing the children. Media campaigns (TV, radio, press), as well as local informative campaigns will ensure reaching this group.


4. Visitors of forests for recreation. These are often inhabitants of larger cities visiting forests on weekend trips. Their plan is to rest, collect mushrooms or undergrowth, spend their free time away from the urban hubbub. It happens that due to the lack of caution they spark off a fire.